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Saudi Orix Leasing Co. joins Nusaned strategic partnership to provide financing services to support industrial investments

Purpose of Finance: Support industrial investments by providing asset financing services for the opportunities listed under Nusaned™ initiative, the closed-end lease system, with a view to increasing the finance rate in the local market to contribute to and boost the national economy.


  • Administrative fees 50% less than the administrative fees usually charged by Orix in the local market.
  • Fixed profit rate for Nusaned investors throughout the term of finance, according to the investor’s needs.
  • Waive all remaining profits in case of early repayment and when payments are made in a timely manner without delay.
  • Possibility of engaging "Kafalah program" to support finance process.

Grace Period: The investor may be granted a grace period after the finance is approved according to the type of investment and its contribution to the national economy.

Approval period: Fast-track finance approval once Nusaned's recommendation is made

Profit rate: The annual profit rate specified by Orix to Nusaned investors is less than the market interest rate up to 30% (and a minimum of 20%).

Orix Vs other financers

  • Reduced risks with Orix through asset financing.
  • Faster financing procedures compared to other financers.
  • Orix is the best choice for any investor who/which reaches the maximum credit limit of SIMAH.
  • Orix shares the risk.

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