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Supporting industrial investment financing for NUSANED™ beneficiaries Kafalah

Target beneficiaries:

SMEs, industrial projects wishing to expand, or those in need of a guarantor for financing agencies Products and services for NUSANED™ investors:

  • Financial guarantees to enable loans

The key features of this financing: Pre-approval of financial guarantees that can cover 80% -95% of the loan amount for NUSANED™ investors

Validation period: Non

Payments disbursement: It is done according to the policy of the financing agency (NUSANED™ partners or Kafalah partners from financing agencies)

Approval period: 7 days

Interest rate: One percent service charge (lowest financial guarantee)

Other features: Automatic access to additional financing agencies (Kafalah partners) for NUSANED™ investors

Incentive package offered to investors: Pre-approval of financial guarantees for NUSANED™ investors

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